Elixir's UI (design)



This package is not intended (but not limited) to be used directly by the end user.

ECC Design is a foundational utility library that powers the ELIXIR Cloud & Compute (ECC) component ecosystem. It provides a suite of low-level utility components that serve as building blocks for higher-level packages within ECC.


Design package for ECC can be used in any web application through various installation methods (like npm, cdn, etc.). The package is published as @elixir-cloud/design with the service name design.

Core Objectives

Unified Design

Establish a single source of truth for ECC components & ensure consistent look and feel across the entire ECC suite.


Empower end-users to tailor components to their specific needs & offer centralized customization options for all ECC components in one place. Know more

Developer-Centric Standardization

Streamline the development process for cloud service components to provide a consistent and intuitive developer experience (DX).

Elixir Cloud & AAICloud SDKElixir

Released under Apache 2.0 License.

Copyright © 2023-2024 ELIXIR